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Using APIs provided by Workflow Builder

There is a comprehensive set of APIs that can be reviewed and tried out in the WFB API tool.

For most APIs you need to authenticate using a giosg access token. It can be created in giosg Company Settings. Then, click "authorize" (see top right of the UI) and enter Token <accesstoken> as the authorization header value.

Two most commonly used APIs are described here in more detail, below.

Triggering integrations via API calls

The unique trigger URL of a workflow can be copied to clipboard by clicking the trigger URL button in the Logic Editor UI toolbar. The endpoint is of the following format:<uuid>/trigger_workflow

The <uuid> part is the UUID of the workflow, indicated by the last part of the URL path when workflow logic editor is open.

A special wf_tag query string parameter can also optionally be added when triggering a workflow run. The system will then apply a tag to the workflow run. The tag makes it easy to identify particular workflow run(s) in the execution log UI.

To trigger workflow draft versions, change the last part of the endpoint to /trigger_draft, instead of /trigger_workflow.

When triggering a workflow, parameters can be passed to it in a HTTP POST JSON body, or as query string variables if HTTP GET is used. The JSON top-level keys, or the query string parameter names, will then be set as values of any matching variables (by name) that have been defined in the workflow logic.

Accessing run results

Integration run results can be seen in the Execution Log, available via right click menu or the tool icon menu in the main WFB listing UI. The API endpoint for retrieving results of a particular run is:<id>/status

The <id> path parameter refers to the execution id of the workflow returned in the HTTP response JSON body when the integration was triggered.