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Cookies, localStorage and sessionStorage

Giosg stores information in browser cookies, localStorage and sessionStorage. Choice of the storage depends on the use of the saved information.

Values in browser's cookies and localStorage are persistent information like the visitor's id or the state of the chat window. These values are kept across browsing sessions. Expiration time for the values depends on the usage.

Giosg uses sessionStorage to store temporary variables. These include things like which rules have matched during this session or other session specific state.


These values are stored on the customer's site in browser's cookies if available. Domain for these cookies is always the domain that Giosg script is installed to, e.g. the customer domain.

Further information regarding cookies and their purpose can also be found from Giosg Transparency & Consent (TC) API documentation.

List of cookies


The placeholders {COMPANY_ID} will be replaced with the ID of your organization's Giosg account. You may check your "Account ID" from the settings: Company → Account information.

Cookie name Description Domain Life time
giosg_chat_id_{COMPANY_ID} Organization specific visitor identifier. This cookie is used to distinguish unique visitors and allow chat to continue from page to page. Customer domain 1 year
giosg_sgid_{COMPANY_ID} Personal, secret identifier of the visitor. This ID is only known by the end user's browser and is only sent to Giosg for validation. This secret prevents any other person (like an agent) from impersonating the visitor or accessing their private data. This is the same value as “sgid” in domain. This cookie is normally set only for those visitors for whom we cannot store this information to * domain in an iframe because of blocked third-party cookies. Customer domain 1 year
sgid Same value and meaning as giosg_sgid_{COMPANY_ID} above. 1 year
Cookie name Content/meaning of the stored information? Reason why the information is stored?
giosg_chat_id_{COMPANY_ID} Signed unique ID string identifying visitor inside customers account. This cookie is used to distinguish unique users and allow chat to continue from page to page.
giosg_sgid_{COMPANY_ID} Signed unique ID secret string. Personal, secret identifier of the visitor. This ID is only known by the end users browser and is only sent to Giosg for validation and generation of giosg_chat_id_{COMPANY_ID} when moving between domains. This secret prevents any other person to impersonate the visitor or access their private data.
sgid Signed unique ID secret string. Personal, secret identifier of the visitor. This ID is only known by the end users browser and is only sent to Giosg for validation and generation of giosg_chat_id_{COMPANY_ID} when moving between domains. This secret prevents any other person to impersonate the visitor or access their private data.

List of localStorage keys

These values are stored on the visitors browser's localStorage in customer site or context.


The placeholder {DOMAIN_ID} will be replaced with the ID of one of your organization's domains.

The placeholder {INTERACTION_ID} will be replaced with ID of one of your interactions.

The placeholder {RULE_ID} will be replaced with ID of one of your rules.

Key name Description Content/meaning of the stored information? Reason why the information is stored? Domain
GIOSG_INTERACTION_COOLDOWN_{INTERACTION_ID} Used when showing interactions to visitors to control the state of interaction within a session. For example, keep interaction closed after a visitor closes it. Timestamp in milliseconds since unix epoch. Information is stored to remember that visitor has hidden interaction. Customer domain
giosg_rmatch_d{DOMAIN_ID}_r{RULE_ID} Used by Giosg Rules engine to keep track of the rule states. Each matched rule in the same room creates a record if the rule is set to "match only once on page" or "match only once in session". Value is either literal string 'match-rule-once-for-visitor' or visitor session identifier, for example 45c6ca07-72ef-4be2-ab8a-733792949cce Allows rule engine to know if some rule action has been performed and should not be re-run. Customer domain
giosgActiveRoom_{DOMAIN_ID} Used for keeping track which room the visitor was when they opened chat dialog. 'UUID' of Giosg room. For example c8ccebb0-7fd0-4099-bbd0-08f0326e12fe. This key is depreated and not used in V2 script. Information is stored to keep track which room the chat should be opened if visitor starts chatting. Customer domain
giosg_giosgActiveRoom Used for keeping track which room the visitor was when they opened chat dialog. 'UUID' of Giosg room. For example c8ccebb0-7fd0-4099-bbd0-08f0326e12fe Information is stored to keep track which room the chat should be opened if visitor starts chatting. Customer domain
giosgVisitorPriority_{DOMAIN_ID} Holds information about visitor priority set by Giosg rule action. Integer number between 1-10 Allows organization to add more priority for visitor in swimlane view.
chat-visitor-message Contains a chat message the visitor has written to the message box but not yet sent. This is to prevent data loss in case a visitor reloads a page. Chat message to be send. Information is stored to improve user experience.
giosgWindowOpen_{DOMAIN_ID} Used for keeping track if visitor opened the chat window. Boolean value indicating if chat dialog is open or not. Information is stored to keep track of chat dialog state across page loads and improve usability.
visitor-app-calls-info Map where key is chat ID and value is call instance ID. Used to keep track which browser tab is active in Giosg call. Technical identifiers which map active call instance and chat to browser tab, example: {"18035510-9e82-11ee-b427-0242ac120008":"9b08fdea-f924-40f1-9de7-49a73d62a738"} Used to keep track which browser tab is active in Giosg call.
emoji-mart.last Used for keeping track of frequently used emojis. The most recently used emoji. Information is stored to improve user experience.
emoji-mart.frequently A map where each key is an emoji, and each value indicates how often that emoji has been used. List of emojis and their usage counter. Information is stored to improve user experience.
i18nextLng String value indicating the preferred language of the chat dialog. Language code. Information is stored to improve user experience.

List of sessionStorage keys

These values are stored on the visitors browser's sessionStorage in customer site or context.


The placeholder {CHAT_ID} will be replaced with a chat ID.

The placeholder {INTERACTION_ID} will be replaced with ID of one of your interactions.

The placeholder {DOMAIN_ID} will be replaced with the ID of one of your organization's domains.

Key name Description Content/meaning of the stored information? Reason why the information is stored? Domain
GIOSG_INTERACTION_DATA_{INTERACTION_ID} Keeps interaction’s current state, for example the active view. JSON serialized javascript object. This object has information about current view, previous views, cliked elements and other such information. Information is stored to enable functionality like back button, form validation and reporting of user flow. Customer domain
giosg_operator_state_cache Used for keeping track of operator online statuses status between page loads. Integer value indiating amount of available agents, for example 1. Information is stored to offer better user experience by faster chat loading time after page change. Customer domain
giosg_{DOMAIN_ID}_cart_products Contains products in cart. JSON serialized product data, for example [{"name":"Test","quantity":1,"price":"100.00"}] Product data is used for Giosg rule conditions, for example show discount in case the cart content is more than certain sum or recommend another product. Customer domain
giosg_{DOMAIN_ID}_cart Contains the total price of the basket. Numeric value, for example 100.00 Information can be used in Giosg rule conditions. Customer domain
visitor-chat-{CHAT_ID}-call-instance-id Unique id (UUID) for every tabs to keep track which browser tab is active in Giosg call. Value is random UUID which identifies current browser tab, for example 182c0a7e-aee9-48e1-9a1e-84adaef5f529. Needed for the functionality of Giosg calls.
giosgHasAutosuggested_{DOMAIN_ID} Stores the information whether or not the visitor has chatted during this session. It preserves the information even if the chat is closed, but of course only if session storage is available. Boolean value Stores the information whether or not the visitor has chatted during this browsing session so chat behaviour cna be adjusted for better user experience.
giosgIsAutosuggested_{DOMAIN_ID} Used to keep track if a visitor has received an autosuggest message during this browsing session. Boolean value Used to keep track if a visitor has received an autosuggest message and should not get another one any more during this session.
giosgGAChatted_{DOMAIN_ID} Holds the information whether or not the Google Analytics "hasChatted" event has been fired during this session. Value “true” only possible if Google Analytics integration is enabled for the domain. Boolean value Stored value is used to detect Google Analytics "hasChatted" event has been fired during this session. This key exists even if the Google Analytics integration has not been enabled. Value true is only possible if Google Analytics integration is enabled for the domain and event sent.
giosg_dialog_size Used to keep track of whether a visitor resized the chat dialog. JSON serialized JavaScript object that contains information about the dialog size selected by the user. Information is stored to improve user experience. Customer domain