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API Concepts


This page lists best practices and common concepts you can find in Giosg API's like pagination, ordering and date and time formats.

Accept Header

You should always define Accept header with your requests to tell Giosg that you accept JSON formatted responses:

Accept: application/json

Alternatively, if you are unable to customize headers, you may add format=json GET parameter.

Resource identifiers

Unless stated otherwise, all the resources in the system are identified with a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). It is always represented as a string ID, in lower case and including dashes.

For example: 9ae65e7d-56c5-11e5-af8d-6c4008c08dfe

Paginated collections

An example of a JSON response with a paginated collection

  "next": "",
  "previous": null,
  "results": [
    {"name": "Example Resource 1"},
    {"name": "Example Resource 2"},
    {"name": "Example Resource 3"},
    {"name": "Example Resource 4"},
    {"name": "Example Resource 5"}

Some of the API endpoints return paginated collections. That means that for large collections of resources, not all resources are returned in a single response, but the response contains an URL that can be used to fetch the next chunk (page) of results.

Paginated collections are objects with the following attributes.

Attribute Type Description
next string Full URL for requesting the next page. This is null if the current page is the last page.
previous string Full URL for requesting the previous page. This is null if the current page is the first page
results array of objects The list containing the result resources for the current page. Each item is an object whose attributes depend on the returned resource type.


Unless stated otherwise, the server only guarantees the order of the resources, but not the number of items returned per page. If you need a specific number of results, then you need to splice the returned list on the client.


If you need to load all resources using an endpoint returning paginated collections, then you need to check if the next attribute is not null, potentially load the next page and then repeat this until you have loaded and built the full collection of resources.

Ordering collections

A paginated collection can usually be ordered by using an ordering attribute.

The allowed sorting criteria depends on the endpoint, but the basic usage is always the same. You have an allowed set of sorting attributes, e.g. first_name, last_name and created_at. You may then choose the primary sorting key and any secondary sorting keys with a comma-separated string, e.g. last_name,first_name.

Any sorting order is ascending by default, but may be reverted to descending order by prefixing with a minus (-) character, e.g. -created_at or last_name,-created_at.

Date/time format

Unless stated otherwise, all the date/times returned by API endpoints are ISO-8601 strings with format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.MSSZ, for example: 2015-08-31T16:32:17.879Z. Also, any date/time URL parameters or attributes send as a request payload accept this same format.

Unless stated otherwise, the times are expressed in UTC timezone!