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Pub is a microservice for internal communications.

Making requests

Pub API requires valid API token or Access token

All requests should be made to domain. Data is transferred using JSON encoding.

Typescript sdk

Typescript SDK is available via @giosg/pub-sdk npm package


Channel represents a chat.

Field Type Description
id UUID Unique identifier
name str Name of the channel
description str Description of the channel
organization_id UUID ID of the organization
created_at datetime When the channel was created
updated_at datetime When the channel was updated
avatar_url URL URL of the avatar picture
is_direct_message boolean Wheter the channel is a direct message channel or not
latest_message PubMessage Latest message
latest_message_created_at datetime Default ordering

Listing channels

GET /api/pub/v1/orgs/<organization_id>/channels

Responce is paginated collection

Creating channels

POST /api/pub/v1/orgs/<organization_id>/channels

Example payload:

  "name": "Public test channel",
  "description": "This is public channel for testing"

Retrieving a channel

GET /api/pub/v1/orgs/<organization_id>/channels/<channel_id>

Updating channels

PUT/PATCH /api/pub/v1/orgs/<organization_id>/channels/<channel_id>

Listing users joined channels

GET /api/pub/v1/orgs/<organization_id>/users/<user_id>/joined-channels

Retrieving a joined channel

GET /api/pub/v1/orgs/<organization_id>/users/<user_id>/joined-channels/<channel_id>

Direct message channels

Listing direct message channels

GET /api/pub/v1/orgs/<organization_id>/users/<user_id>/dm-channels

Creating direct message channels

POST /api/pub/v1/orgs/<organization_id>/users/<user_id>/dm-channels

Direct message channels are created once per members. One can not add members to a direct message channel. If a direct message channel already exists, existing channel is fetched instead of new one being created.


  "members": ["76d9a225-2e1c-4a41-98cb-e548b2826084"]

Retrieving a direct message channel

GET /api/pub/v1/orgs/<organization_id>/users/<user_id>/dm-channels/<dm_channel_id>


Field Type Description
id UUID Unique identifier
channel_id UUID UUID of the channel
sender_id UUID UUID of the sender
organization_id UUID ID of the organization
created_at datetime When the channel was created
updated_at datetime When the channel was updated
body object The actual message

Message body

Field Type Description
version number Must be equal to 3
chunks array of objects Message chunks

Message chunks

Message consists of one or more chunks. Message chunk can be one of the following:

Field Type Description
type "text" Simple text
text string Chunk content
Field Type Description
type "link" A link
kind "url" or "phone" or "email" Link kind
text string Actual link
Field Type Description
type "file" File attachment
url string File location
name string File name
size number File size (optional)
Field Type Description
type "audio" Audio attachment
url string File location
title string File name
Field Type Description
type "video" Video attachment
url string File location
title string File name
Field Type Description
type "image" Image attachment
url string Image location

Listing messages of a channel

GET /api/pub/v1/orgs/<organization_id>/channels/<channel_id>/messages

Creating a message

POST /api/pub/v1/orgs/<organization_id>/channels/<channel_id>/messages

The id of the message can be created in the client. The body will contain the actual message in JSON. Currently the only required field in the body JSON is version.

Version Status Comment
1 Deprecated
2 Deprecated
3 Actual Should be primarely used
n ------- ----------------------


  "id": "4b6d8087-f266-4de6-b391-62567d4a84b2",
  "body": {
    "version": 3,
    "chunks": [
        "type": "text",
        "text": "Hello! Here is my message"
  "notify_users": ["3f770799-dc7c-4096-8b27-35a6eb45144c"],
  "notify_channel": true

Mentions are implemented with notify_users, notify_teams and notify_channel fields in the POST message. notify_users will send notification to given list of users if they have set the muted field to mentions in their Notification settings. notify_channel will send notification to all members of the channel, respectively.


notify_teams is not implemented yet, as pub does not yet know the concept of team.

Retrieving a message

GET /api/pub/v1/orgs/<organization_id>/channels/<channel_id>/messages/<message_id>

Updating a message

PATCH /api/pub/v1/orgs/<organization_id>/channels/<channel_id>/messages/<message_id>


  "body": {
    "version": 3,
    "chunks": [
        "type": "text",
        "text": "Hello! Here is my message"

Channel member

Field Type Description
id UUID Unique identifier
channel UUID UUID of the channel
member_id UUID UUID of the member (user_id)
organization_id UUID ID of the organization
created_at datetime When the user was created
updated_at datetime When the user was updated
last_seen_at datetime When the user was last seen
unread_message_count int How many messages the user has not seen
is_admin boolean Is member channel admin or not
### Listing members of a channel

GET /api/pub/v1/orgs/<organization_id>/channels/<channel_id>/members

Adding member to a channel (for public channels only)

POST /api/pub/v1/orgs/<organization_id>/channels/<channel_id>/members


  "member_id": "93f8c232-14b4-4cf0-84c7-2ba6f17f17f7"

Retrieving a member

GET /api/pub/v1/orgs/<organization_id>/channels/<channel_id>/members/<member_id>

Updating a member

PATCH /api/pub/v1/orgs/<organization_id>/channels/<channel_id>/members/<member_id>


  "last_seen_at": "2016-09-01T11:31:36.042Z"

Notification settings

User may be able to control when to receive push notifications by adjusting notification settings. Notifcation settings are created automatically for every member with the field mode set to unmuted

Field Type Description
id UUID Unique identifier
channel UUID UUID of the channel
user_id UUID UUID of the member or user
organization_id UUID ID of the organization
created_at datetime When the user was created
updated_at datetime When the user was updated
mode string "muted", "mentions" or "unmuted"

Getting your notification settings for a channel

GET /api/pub/v1/orgs/<organization_id>/channels/<channel_id>/members/<member_id>/notification_settings

Updating notification settings for a channel

PATCH /api/pub/v1/orgs/<organization_id>/channels/<channel_id>/members/<member_id>/notification_settings


  "muted": "mentions"


Create live stream input for channel

POST /api/pub/v1/orgs/<organization_id>/channels/<channel_id>/conference/create_stream

Create or ensure that working live stream input exists for given channel. If live stream input does not exist for the channel yet, a new input will be created. If live stream input exists, then it will be returned. This endpoint does not require any payload.

Field Type Description
rtmps_url string RTMP url for live stream endpoint, for example rtmps://
view_url string HSL playback url for stream, for example
stream_key string Streaming key used with RTMPS url
stream_uid string Stream UID (Cloudflare ID) for the stream

List previously recorded live streams

GET /api/pub/v1/orgs/<organization_id>/channels/<channel_id>/conference/recorded_streams

List previously recorded streams that could be used to show previous streams in interactions for example.

Returns Paginated Collection of following items.

Field Type Description
uid string Stream UID (Cloudflare ID) for the stream
thumbnail string Url to thumbnail image of the stream
created string Sream recording creation time in ISO-8601 format string, for example: 2023-02-03T10:59:18.608491Z
modified string Sream recording lates modification time in ISO-8601 format string, for example: 2023-02-03T12:06:13.976265Z
size int The size of the media item in bytes.
duration float The duration of the video in seconds. A value of -1 means the duration is unknown. The duration becomes available after the upload and before the video is ready.
input object Object with width and height attributes. These tell the video height and width in pixels.
playback object Object with hls and dash attributes. These contain string's which are urls for playback.
meta object Object with name attribute. This is the name of the stream recording

List organizations live stream inputs.

GET /api/pub/v1/orgs/<organization_id>/conference/streams

List existing live stream inputs for organization. These can be shown in Interaction Builder for user to be able to select stream source for Live Stream Interaction.

Returns Paginated Collection of following items.

Field Type Description
channel string Channel ID this stream input is for
channel_name string Name of the channel this stream input is for
created string Creation time in ISO-8601 format string, for example: 2023-02-03T10:59:18.608491Z
uid string Stream UID (Cloudflare ID) for the stream
rtmps_url string RTMP url for live stream endpoint, for example rtmps://
view_url string HSL playback url for stream, for example

Retrieve stream status

GET /api/pub/public/v1/orgs/<organization_id>/channels/<channel_id>/conference/stream_status

Retrieve current status of given live stream input.

Field Type Description
is_connected boolean Is streamer connected to input
is_watchable boolean Is stream live and watchable at given moment. It takes some time after streamer connection for stream to become watchable.
seconds_until_watchable int How many seconds client should wait until showing stream to visitor in order for the buffer to be generated.

Retrieve stream viewer count

GET /api/pub/public/v1/orgs/<organization_id>/channels/<channel_id>/conference/stream_viewer_count

This endpoint returns current viewer count for live stream.

Field Type Description
viewer_count int Current stream viewer count. This count of visitors ID's seen watching the stream in last 2 minutes.