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Rooms API

Rooms and domains

The room resource has the following attributes.

Attribute Type Editable Description
id UUID read-only The unique identifier of this room
organization_id UUID read-only ID of the organization who owns this room.
organization object read-only The organization who owns this room.
domain string optional A domain hostname if this room is a domain room, otherwise null if this is a custom room. Cannot be changed after creation. You cannot have multiple domain rooms with the same domain attribute!
name string required Name of the room, set by the owner. Must be a non-empty string.
display_name string read-only Display name of the room. It may equal to the name attribute, unless this room is shared to your organization with a custom share_name.
is_shared boolean read-only true if the room is shared to your organization, false if your organization owns the room
language_code string optional Language of this room as a RFC 3066 code. Defaults to en, cannot be null. It must be one of the supported languages.
created_at datetime read-only When this room was created. Available only to your own organization.
updated_at datetime read-only When this room was updated last time. Available only to your own organization.
updated_by_user_id UUID read-only ID of the user who last updated this room, or null if unknown. Available only to your own organization.
updated_by_user object read-only Details of the user who last updated this room, or null if unknown. Available only to your own organization.
is_online boolean read-only Whether the room is currently online, i.e. there is a router with at least one online user in any of the routing steps assigned to the room, and is_open is true. Visitor can start a chat in a room only if the room is online.
is_humans_online boolean read-only Whether the room is currently online and there is at least one non bot user online in the routing steps. Useful for developing chatbots, that need to know if they can transfer chats to people.
is_deleted boolean read-only Whether this room exists no more. The resource exists only for historical purposes and cannot be used in any other context.
is_service_hours_enabled boolean read-only Whether the room has service hours enabled.
is_open boolean read-only Whether the room is currently open, i.e. currently in service hours if the room has service hours hours enabled, otherwise always true.
is_chat_encryption_enabled boolean optional Whether the room has chat encryption enabled. This is false by default.
public_key_id string optional ID of the public key used to encrypt chats, null if not set.
sensitive_data_purge_ttl integer optional The number of days after chat session has closed to purge sensitive data from chat sessions in the room. Setting to null disables sensitive data purging. This is null by default.
bots_ignored_in_online_status boolean optional Controls whether room's is_online field's value's calculation ignores bots' online statuses and only considers human users. Bot users are those that have the is_bot field set as true. This is false by default.


The following attributes also exists but they are deprecated, so you should avoid using them.

Attribute Type Editable Description
token string read-only A legacy signed ID of the room. You probably won't need this in new implementations!

Domain rooms are like any other rooms except that they are linked to exactly one domain (website). You need a domain room in order to use a Giosg services on your website.

List rooms of an organization

Return a paginated collection of all the room resources that the given organization has access to, including any shared rooms by default.


This endpoint takes the following optional GET parameters:

Parameter Type Default Description
ordering ordering created_at Ordering of results with options created_at and -created_at
is_deleted boolean (none) If true, return only deleted rooms. If false, excludes any deleted rooms.
is_shared boolean (none) If true, return only rooms shared to your organization. If false, return only your own organization's rooms.

This endpoint returns:

  • 200 if the request was successful
  • 401 if you are not authenticated
  • 403 if you do not have active subscription
  • 403 if you do not have access to the organization
  • 403 if you do not have settings permission

Retrieve room details

Get a single room object that your organization has access to, by its ID. Note that this may be a shared and/or deleted room.


This endpoint returns:

  • 200 if the request was successful
  • 401 if you are not authenticated
  • 403 if you do not have active subscription
  • 403 if you do not have access to the organization
  • 403 if you do not have settings permission
  • 404 if room was not found

Creating a room

Create a new custom room or a domain room by making a POST request, providing the room object as a payload. By providing the domain attribute with non-null value will create a new domain room.


This endpoint returns:

  • 201 if the request was successful
  • 400 if required attributes are missing from the request
  • 400 if the request payload is in wrong format
  • 401 if you are not authenticated
  • 403 if you do not have active subscription
  • 403 if you do not have access to the organization
  • 403 if you do not have settings permission

Update a room

You may update the editable attributes of your own room by making either a PATCH (update a subset of attributes) or PUT request (update all the attributes).



This endpoint returns:

  • 200 if the request was successful
  • 400 if required attributes are missing from the request
  • 400 if the request payload is in wrong format
  • 401 if you are not authenticated
  • 403 if you do not have active subscription
  • 403 if you do not have access to the organization
  • 403 if you do not have settings permission
  • 404 if room was not found

Delete a room


Deleting a room will immediately unshare it from your partners! Even though your statistics for this room are preserved, you cannot gather any more data for this room. You cannot undo this action, but you need to re-create and re-share the room again.

You may delete one of your own rooms by making a DELETE request.


This endpoint returns:

  • 204 if the request was successful
  • 401 if you are not authenticated
  • 403 if you do not have active subscription
  • 403 if you do not have access to the organization
  • 403 if you do not have settings permission
  • 404 if room was not found

List users of a room

Return a paginated collection of all the user resources which have access to the given room. This lists only users which are members of the given organization.


This endpoint returns:

  • 200 if the request was successful
  • 401 if you are not authenticated
  • 403 if you do not have active subscription
  • 403 if you do not have access to the organization
  • 403 if you do not have settings permission
  • 404 if room was not found

List rooms of a user

Return a paginated collection of all the room resources that the given user (or their team) have a permission to access.



Note that this only lists rooms to which the user has an explicit permission, even if you are using the endpoint as a user with 'settings' permission. See below if you need to list rooms for an organization.

This endpoint takes the following optional GET parameters:

Parameter Type Default Description
ordering ordering created_at Ordering of results with options created_at, and updated_at (- for descending results).
is_shared boolean (none) If true, return only rooms shared to the organization of the user. If false, return only rooms belonging to the organization of the user.

This endpoint returns:

  • 200 if the request was successful
  • 401 if you are not authenticated
  • 403 if you do not have active subscription
  • 403 if you do not have access to the user

Retrieve details of user's room

You can retrieve details of user's room:


This endpoint returns:

  • 200 if the request was successful
  • 401 if you are not authenticated
  • 403 if you do not have active subscription
  • 403 if you do not have access to the user
  • 404 if the user does not have access to the room

List tags for a room

The tag resource has the following attributes.

Attribute Type Editable Description
name string editable The unique name for a tag in this room.
created_at string read-only When this tag was created.
hashed_name string read-only Sha1 hash of this tag. This is the only information that the visitor and goals generated have about the tag.
room_id string read-only UUID of the room for this tag.

Example response

  "next": "",
  "previous": null,
  "results": [
      "name": "Lead",
      "created_at": "2016-09-01T11:31:36.042Z",
      "room_id": "c83d426-be80-4d75-8c62-49a77f98468e",
      "hashed_name": "c83d42604d758c6249a77f98468e"
      "name": "Premium customer",
      "room_id": "c83d426-be80-4d75-8c62-49a77f98468e",
      "created_at": "2016-09-01T12:20:12.206Z",
      "hashed_name": "c83d42604d758c6249a77f98468e"

Returns a paginated collection of all the tags for a room.


This endpoint returns:

  • 200 if the request was successful
  • 401 if you are not authenticated
  • 403 if you do not have active subscription
  • 403 if you do not have access to the organization
  • 403 if you do not have settings permission
  • 404 if room was not found

List tags for all organization rooms

Returns a paginated collection of all the tags for all organization rooms.


This endpoint returns:

  • 200 if the request was successful
  • 401 if you are not authenticated
  • 403 if you do not have active subscription
  • 403 if you do not have access to the organization
  • 403 if you do not have settings permission

List system tags for all organization rooms

Returns a paginated collection of all the system tags for all organization rooms.


This endpoint returns:

  • 200 if the request was successful
  • 401 if you are not authenticated
  • 403 if you do not have active subscription
  • 403 if you do not have access to the organization
  • 403 if you do not have settings permission

Create tag for a room

  "name": "Lead"

Example response

  "name": "Lead",
  "room_id": "c83d426-be80-4d75-8c62-49a77f98468e",
  "created_at": "2016-09-01T12:20:12.206Z",
  "hashed_name": "c83d42604d758c6249a77f98468e"

You may create a tag for a room by making a POST request. This creates a new tag which can then be added to a chat session in this room:


This endpoint returns:

  • 201 if the request was successful
  • 400 if required attributes are missing from the request
  • 400 if the request payload is in wrong format
  • 401 if you are not authenticated
  • 403 if you do not have active subscription
  • 403 if you do not have access to the organization
  • 403 if you do not have settings permission
  • 404 if room was not found

Delete a tag of a room


You may delete one of your tags for a room by making a DELETE request. After this request the tag will not show up in listing of the tags:


This endpoint returns:

  • 204 if the request was successful
  • 401 if you are not authenticated
  • 403 if you do not have active subscription
  • 403 if you do not have access to the organization
  • 403 if you do not have settings permission
  • 404 if room was not found
  • 404 if tag was not found

Room overviews

Usually you may want to know some aggregated numbers of a room. A room overview describes the current status of the room in the given context, for example, the number of present visitors, or a number of pending chats. There are two kind of contexts:

A room overview has the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
present_visitor_count integer The total number of unique visitors currently present in the context of the overview.
pending_chat_count integer The total number of pending chats in the context of the overview.

Retrieve an overview of a room

You can get the overview of one room:

GET /api/v5/orgs/<organization_id>/rooms/<room_id>/overview

In this case the overview attributes have the following meanings:

  • present_visitor_count describes the number of room visitors
  • pending_chat_count describes the number of pending chats of the room

This endpoint returns:

  • 200 if the request was successful
  • 401 if you are not authenticated
  • 403 if you do not have active subscription
  • 403 if you do not have access to the organization
  • 403 if you do not have settings permission
  • 404 if room was not found

Retrieve an overview of all user rooms

You can get an aggregated overview of all the rooms that the given user has permission to:

GET /api/v5/orgs/<organization_id>/users/<user_id>/room_overview

In this case the overview attributes have the following meanings:

This endpoint returns:

  • 200 if the request was successful
  • 401 if you are not authenticated
  • 403 if you do not have active subscription
  • 403 if you do not have access to the user

Organization room settings

Organization room settings contain organization specific settings for a room. In other words, if the room is shared for your organization, these settings apply only for your organization and vice versa.

The organization room settings resource has the following attributes.

Attribute Type Editable Description
id UUID read-only The unique identifier of this organization room settings.
organization_id UUID read-only ID of the organization who owns this room.
organization object read-only The organization who owns this room.
room_id UUID read-only ID of the room to which these settings apply.
room object read-only The room to which these settings apply.
router_id UUID optional ID of the router that is used to route chats in this room.
router object read-only router that is used to route chats in this room.
brand_id UUID optional ID of the brand that is used in this room. If null then the default theme is used.
is_pending_chat_messages_hidden boolean required Whether pending visitor messages should be hidden in giosg Console.
is_auto_tagging_enabled boolean required Whether chats will be automatically tagged wiht Auto: phone and Auto: email tags if there is phone number or email.
is_analytics_tracking_enabled boolean required Whether Google Analytics tracking is enabled.
analytics_object_type string optional Type of the Google Analytics object. This is required if is_analytics_tracking_enabled is true. Options are gaq, datalayer, ga-send and custom.
analytics_custom_object string optional This is required if analytics_object_type is custom.
is_ajax_tracking_enabled boolean required Whether AJAX tracking is enabled.
created_at datetime read-only When these room settings were created.
updated_at datetime read-only When these room settings were updated last time.
legacy_chat_dialog_id UUID optional ID of the chat dialog used in the room. This is null by default.
allow_queue_overflow Boolean optional Can the rooms queue over the service hours.
room_is_managed_by_bot Boolean optional Is room managed by the 3th party bot.
show_queue_position Boolean optional Show queue position instead of waiting time.
hide_chat_dialog Boolean optional Hide chat dialog for the visitor.

Retrieve organization room settings

Get the settings of an organization room.


This endpoint returns:

  • 200 if the request was successful
  • 401 if you are not authenticated
  • 403 if you do not have active subscription
  • 403 if you do not have access to the organization
  • 403 if you do not have settings permission
  • 404 if room was not found

Update organization room settings

Update the settings of an organization room.



This endpoint returns:

  • 200 if the request was successful
  • 400 if required attributes are missing from the request
  • 400 if the request payload is in wrong format
  • 401 if you are not authenticated
  • 403 if you do not have active subscription
  • 403 if you do not have access to the organization
  • 403 if you do not have settings permission
  • 404 if room was not found

A domain link represents relation between room and the domain. It defines the domains where the room is allowed to work. The domain link resource has the following attributes:

Attribute Type Editable Description
id UUID read-only The unique identifier of this domain link.
organization_id UUID read-only ID of the organization who owns this domain link.
organization object read-only The organization who owns this domain link.
room_id UUID read-only ID of the room which has access to this domain link.
room object read-only The room which has access to this domain link.
domain_room_id UUID read-only ID of the domain room (room).
domain_room object read-only The domain room (room) which has access to this domain link.
created_at datetime read-only When this domain link was created.
updated_at datetime read-only When this domain link was updated last time.

Return a paginated collection of all the domain link resources that the given room has access to.


This endpoint returns:

  • 200 if the request was successful
  • 401 if you are not authenticated
  • 403 if you do not have active subscription
  • 403 if you do not have access to the organization
  • 403 if you do not have settings permission
  • 404 if room was not found

Create a new domain link for a room by making a POST request, providing the domain_room_id as a payload. The domain_room_id is the id of a room which is a domain i.e. room where the domain is not null.


This endpoint returns:

  • 200 if existing domain link was updated
  • 201 if domain link was created successfully
  • 400 if required attributes are missing from the request
  • 400 if the request payload is in wrong format
  • 401 if you are not authenticated
  • 403 if you do not have active subscription
  • 403 if you do not have access to the organization
  • 403 if you do not have settings permission
  • 404 if room was not found

You may delete one of your own room's domain link by making a DELETE request.


This endpoint returns:

  • 204 if the request was successful
  • 401 if you are not authenticated
  • 403 if you do not have active subscriptiond
  • 403 if you do not have access to the organization
  • 403 if you do not have settings permission
  • 404 if room was not found
  • 404 if domain link was not found

Room queue API

The Room Queue API provides information about rooms queues, enabling you to access queue details for each chat session within a specific room. This API exposes endpoints for both listing all active queues for a room and retrieving detailed information about a specific queue.

Attribute Format Editable Description
id UUID/string read-only ID of the queue.
chat_id UUID/string read-only ID of chat session this queue belongs to.
room_id UUID/string read-only ID of the room where chat session belongs to.
created_at datetime read-only When the queue was added to chat.
organization_id UUID/string read-only ID of the organization the room belongs.
type string read-only Type of the queue.
current_position_in_queue integer read-only Visitors position in the queue.
initial_estimated_wait_time datetime read-only Initial waiting time estimation.
current_estimated_wait_time datetime read-only Updated waiting time estimation.
chat_picked_up_at datetime read-only Time when chat is picked up (for active queue object this is always null).

List room queues

List all active queue objects for the room.

GET /api/v5/orgs/<organization_id>/rooms/<room_id>/queues/

Example response

  "next": null,
  "previous": null,
  "results": [
      "id": "64d8e1d2-b9d2-11ee-81f3-1e00d136cc32",
      "chat_id": "64ce7ee0-b9d2-11ee-81f3-1e00d136cc32",
      "room_id": "64cbfe68-b9d2-11ee-81f3-1e00d136cc32",
      "organization_id": "64c5fdc4-b9d2-11ee-81f3-1e00d136cc32",
      "created_at": "2020-01-23T11:32:58.127016",
      "type": "chat",
      "current_estimated_wait_time": "2020-01-23T11:33:58.127016",
      "current_position_in_queue": 1,
      "initial_estimated_wait_time": "2020-01-23T11:33:58.127016",
      "chat_picked_up_at": null
      "id": "c83d426-be80-4d75-8c62-49a77f98468e",
      "chat_id": "3c43e25a-54d4-46de-9b1d-13ff39df30b7",
      "room_id": "64cbfe68-b9d2-11ee-81f3-1e00d136cc32",
      "organization_id": "64c5fdc4-b9d2-11ee-81f3-1e00d136cc32",
      "created_at": "2020-01-23T11:34:58.127016",
      "type": "chat",
      "current_estimated_wait_time": "2020-01-23T11:35:58.127016",
      "current_position_in_queue": 2,
      "initial_estimated_wait_time": "2020-01-23T11:35:58.127016",
      "chat_picked_up_at": null

Room queue retrieve API

Retrieve the rooms queue object (active or picked up).

GET /api/v5/orgs/<organization_id>/rooms/<room_id>/queues/<queue_id>

Example response

  "id": "64d8e1d2-b9d2-11ee-81f3-1e00d136cc32",
  "chat_id": "64ce7ee0-b9d2-11ee-81f3-1e00d136cc32",
  "room_id": "64cbfe68-b9d2-11ee-81f3-1e00d136cc32",
  "organization_id": "64c5fdc4-b9d2-11ee-81f3-1e00d136cc32",
  "created_at": "2020-01-23T11:32:58.127016",
  "type": "chat",
  "current_estimated_wait_time": null,
  "current_position_in_queue": null,
  "initial_estimated_wait_time": null,
  "chat_picked_up_at": "2020-01-23T11:33:58.127016"